Most users use TCP/IP, but what is it really… And what do you do when it breaks. (includes steps to reset TCP/IP back to its orginal state) TCP/IP is described by Margaret Rouse, Webopedia, with a sprinkle of Rob, as follows: TCP/IP, pronounced as separate letters “T-C-P-I-P” (not TaaKaaPaaa eipp) is short for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP [...]

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NIC teaming for ESX can be configured for both network load balancing and for failover. This is an ideal configuration for production environments in which you have more than one NIC(s) installed in the ESX host machine In case of a failover configuration, the NICs are configured in active-passive mode. In case of load balancing, [...]

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Locked for editing by ‘another user’

Published on October 3, 2012 by in General, SysAdmin


You’ve seen it, I’ve seen it, and even our end users have seen it. That wonderful and informative message that causes our application to throw its hands in the air, and then pout in a corner when we try to open a locked document. What’s a user to do?       While this error [...]

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Dave, Drop a load on em’ DHCP how can I explain it. I’ll Take you Frame by Frame it. To have y’all jumpin’ shall we singin’ it   I recently came across the need to migrate a DHCP server from windows 2003 to a new Windows 2008 server. Shocking 2K3 servers are still out there, [...]

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Before the medics come rushing to your rescue, there is a quick and simple way to roll back an ESXi “image” to a previous version. No resuscitation needed! Just take a deep couple of breaths and follow the steps outlined below.. Note: In the example below, it assumes system stability and reliability ceased after upgrading [...]

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In this fast paced world of IT we often take things for granted. While none of us operate in a truly perfect OS world, some give us utilities that have saved our bacon on numerous occasions, or allowed us to recover those lost items that are so dear to us.   dd, jokingly referred to [...]

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Here I come, back to you with more and important thoughts on the realm of IT infrastructure. Once again, I am not diving into a critical technical treatise, because I think we need to remember that IT is driven by people. IT infrastructure is the human face that most end users will see and hear [...]

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